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early_termination_task provides facitilies to terminate a coroutine before its normal termination, potentially returning a value indicating this termination.

C++ dialects aim to make exception throwing and catching as inexpensive as possible, but few implementations are able to achieve the efficiency of ordinary return value semantics. This, unfortunately, often leads to code and runtime inefficiency of successful execution, due to the need to write if (error) { return; } statements after every operation that could fail. This litters the code with such checks, and adds additional conditional branch instructions to the instruction stream.

early_termination_task provides a framework for eliminating these efficiencies by providing these features:

  1. The ability to co_await an arbitrary type to check that it contains an error.
  2. The ability to co_await an early_termination_task that itself is parameterized on an error type.
  3. Upon detection of an error, resuming the inner most error handler for that error.
  4. The ability to co_await an early_termination_task and specify that the wait operation is an error handler, thus being a valid target for #3.
  5. The ability to handle thrown exceptions by translating them in the same way.
  6. The ability to translate errors and exceptions into an appropriate result of callers of an early_termination_task.

These mechanisms imply that the co_await expressions in such a coroutine may suspend a coroutine and resume a calling coroutine without throwing an exception; the resumption of the caller will typically result in the destruction of the coroutine so suspended. This means that try / catch error handling will not work, and RAII based releasing of resources is to be used at all times.

The types of ordinary results, of errors to handle, and of the means to report errors are specified in the template parameters to early_termination_task.

early_termination_task is built using the semantics of task. An early_termination_task can only be awaited once as an r-value and cannot be copied.

An example use would be:

    typename Value = void
using error_task = early_termination_task<

error_task<int> MyErrorReturningCoroutine()
    // This co_return will immediately cause the resumption of MyErrorHandlingCoroutine,
    // without ever resuming code in MyOuterCoroutine.
    co_return std::unexpected { std::make_error_condition(std::errc::bad_address) };

error_task<int> MySuccessfulCoroutine()
    co_return 5;

error_task<int> MyOuterCoroutine()
        // This co_await will succeed
        co_await MySuccessfulCoroutine()
        // This co_await will not return to this coroutine at all, 
        // with MyErrorReturningCoroutine immediately resuming MyErrorHandlingCoroutine.
        + co_await MyErrorReturningCoroutine();

error_task<int> MyErrorHandlingCoroutine()
    auto result = co_await MyOuterCoroutine().handle_errors();
            std::expected<int, std::error_condition>, 

    // If the error was bad_address,
    // just return 0.
    if (result == std::make_error_condition(std::errc::bad_address))
        co_return 0;

    // Otherwise, return the result value or the original error.
    co_return co_await result;

The type arguments to early_termination_task are:

  • The type of the value returned by error-handling co_await operations.
  • The policies and type handlers to apply to the early_termination_task.

For convenience, it is useful to user that handlers and reporters follow an implementation and naming convention matching that used by the library itself.

  • <error-type>_early_termination_transformer

    Implements the behavior of determining that a given type should terminate a coroutine.

  • <error-type>_as_<result-type>_early_termination_result

    Implements the behavior that a given type should be reported as a particular result value to error handlers.

  • _early_termination_result

    Implements the behavior that all results should be reported as a particular result value to error handlers.

  • <error-type>_as_<result-type>_early_termination_result

    Implements the behavior that a given type should be reported as a particular result value.

  • <error-type>_as_<result-type>_early_termination_handler

    Combines the behavior of:

    • <error-type>_early_termination_transformer
    • <error-type>_as_<result-type>_early_termination_result

An early_termination_transformer type derives from the class early_termination_transformer, and is expected to provide an implementation of await_transform that transforms the handled result type with an ```early_termination_awaiter``-derived awaiter.

An early_termination_result type derives from the class early_termination_result, and is expected to provide implementations of:

  • get_success_value(T&&) retrieves a successful result from the full ErrorType
  • get_error_value(T&&) retrieves a full ErrorType
  • is_error_value(T&&) determines if a value returned from return_value is an error

An early_termination_handler type simply derives from both the early_termination_checker and early_termination_result classes to provide compound behavior.

The default behavior for exception is as follows:

  • An exception thrown by coroutine is caught by the early_termination_promise via its unhandled_exception() method.
  • The exception is "tunnelled" through all the non-handling early_termination_task tasks being awaited until either the top level task is reached or an error-handling await operation is encountered.
  • The exception is then rethrown into that coroutine.


This class acts as the base class for transformers that look at a particular error type.


This class is the base class for awaiters that handle a particular error type.


This class is the base class for transforming a result into a value returned to an error handling coroutine.

Supporting type-specific header files

This file provides early_termination_task behavior to handle std::expected instances. Any std::expected whose operator bool returns false is considered to be an error

The classes provided are:

  • expected_early_termination_transformer

    Performs co_await transformations to detect errors on an std::expected instance.

  • expected_early_termination_result

    Transforms errors into std::expected instance as necessary.

  • expected_early_termination_handler

    Combines the behavior of expected_early_termination_result and expected_early_termination_transformer.

This file provides early_termination_task behavior to handle std::error_condition instances. Any std::error_condition whose operator bool returns true is considered to be an error.

The classes provided are:

  • error_condition_early_termination_transformer

    Performs co_await transformations to detect errors on an std::error_condition instance.