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Microcontroller independent implementation of SDI-12 over UART. May also work for any sort of single wire communications protocol (not tested).

What is this?

After working on a project involving the use of SDI-12 sensors, I realised there was no SDI-12 library that was suitable for any microcontroller (well, any microcontroller that supports UART). I was aware of the Arduino-SDI-12 library which was implemented entirely in software, but that uses the Arduino core library so would not work on any microcontroller. (If you're working with Arduino, the Arduino-SDI-12 library may be the best if you're ok with the restrictions of the SoftwareSerial library).

The goal of this repository is to show a simple way to implement SDI-12 on any device with a UART driver. "How?", you might ask. Easy! With hardware.

If you already know about SDI-12, feel free to skip to Implementation.

What is SDI-12?

The SDI-12 (serial digial interface at 1200 baud) protocol was first released in 1988 designed by the US Geological Surbey's Hydrologic Instrumentation Facility and some private companies. The SDI-12 specification is maintained by the SDI-12 Support group [1].

SDI-12 is a protocol often used for environmental monitoring due to it's low power operation. It is intended for use in systems that are battery powered, low cost, and require a multiple sensors attached to one cable. The SDI-12 protocol supports at least 10 sensors each with a cable length of 60 metres (200 feet). One key reason for using SDI-12 sensors is that all SDI-12 sensors follow the protocol in the exact same way (barring slight differences between versions), so a variety of sensors can be used with little to no changes to the system [2].

SDI-12 Protocol

All information from [2].

Electrical Interface

The SDI-12 protocol uses 2-3 wires to power and communicate with the sensor. The figure below shows the bus connections.

SDI-12 bus

It is possible to not connect the 12 V line on some sensors, however, that is outside the scope of this repository.

The serial data line is a bidirectional (half-duplex) data transfer line. It uses inverted logic as shown in the table below.

Condition Binary State Voltage Range
marking 1 -0.5-1.0 V
spacing 0 3.5-5.5 V
transition undefined 1.0-3.5 V

The 12 V line must be supplied with between 9.6 V and 16 V.



The SDI-12 protocol specifies that data recorders and sensors communicate via the exchange of printable ASCII characters over the data line. "Printable ASCII characters" range from <space> (hex: 20) to ~ (hex: 7E). There are three exceptions to this rule:

  • responses from a sensor end with a carriage return and linefeed (\r\n or <CR><LF>)
  • CRC codes may include some non-printable ASCII characters
  • packets returned by the High Volume Binary command

None of these use the most significant bit, which means that each "byte" of data needs to only be represented by 7 bits. The full format for an SDI-12 byte frame is:

  • 1 start bit
  • 7 data bits, LSB first
  • 1 even parity bit
  • 1 stop bit

The first byte of any message should be the sensor address. This is 0 by default but can be changed to any number from 0-9. Some sensors may support additional addresses from A-Z and a-z.

Rather than explaining all the commands, I will just point you to page 8 (Table 5) of [2]. Note that all commands begin with the sensor address (or ? for wildcard) and end with !. Certain manufacturers may have additional commands, but the main command set should be unchanged.


The image below shows a timing diagram for the SDI-12 protocol. The tolerance for all timing is ±0.40 ms. The only exception is the time between the stop bit of one character and the start bit of the next which should not be more than 1.66 ms.

SDI-12 timing

It should be noted that this diagram shows the voltage levels and not the binary states. As in, a break is a period of spacing, which is a high voltage, but a low binary state.

The full communication protocol (for the data recorder) is explained below:

  • data recorder sends a break by setting the data line to spacing (5 V) for at least 12 ms. The sensor will never recognise a break less than 6.5 ms and will always recognise one greater than 12 ms.
  • data recorder sends marking (0 V) for 8.33 ms. This cannot be any longer than 100 ms otherwise sensors will go to sleep.
  • data recorder sends the command to the sensor.
  • data recorder gives up control of the data line within 7.5 ms of the end of the last stop bit and waits to receive data.

This must be repeated for every command if the sensors have fallen asleep again. This occurs if a different sensor is addressed or if 87 ms of marking was detected by the sensor.

Retries (not yet implemented)

A data recorder must support retries. A retry is needed if there was:

  • no response from the sensor at least 16.67 ms after the last stop bit of the command.
  • 8.33 ms of marking on the data line, after receiving the start bit of the response
  • an invalid response

The first retry can be issued between 16.67 ms and 87 ms from the end of the last stop bit of the command. If no valid response is received after retrying at least two times (with one retry more than 100 ms after the end of the break), the entire sequence of break and retries should be repeated two more times.


The implementation of SDI-12 was based heavily on the work done in [3]. The work I did can be found here if you're interested. The goal is to make this information a bit more widely available and to provide alternate approaches for different microcontrollers.

There are so many types of microcontrollers so it's impossible to provide one solution for all of them. This repository will showcase a few different ways to make it work. Feel free to submit a pull request if you can add another design or make any changes to something.
In any case, the base design will work for any microcontroller as the hardware works with standard UART. Different designs can be created for specific use cases.

The most basic implementation is shown below.

Simplest SDI-UART implementation

This consists of two tri-state buffers and one inverter. There may also need to be a high-value pull-down resistor (100–300kΩ) on the SDI-12 line, however, I'm not sure if that is built in to the sensor (if someone knows, let me know!)
However, this implementation is unlikely to work in most situations for three reasons:

  • It does not invert the logic. This only works if the microcontroller UART hardware supports inverted logic, or if the tri-state buffers are actually tri-state inverters (see logic inversion).
  • It is assumed that this circuit operates at 5V because the SDI-12 specification requires 5V logic. If you are using a 3.3V microcontroller, you will need logic level shifters (see logic levels).
  • The TX line must be capable of sending a 12ms break signal. This can be done with hardware or sometimes in software (see 12-ms break).

There are two modes of operation: transmit and receive. The specifics of how it works will depend on the hardware you purchase; this information explains the operation of the circuit in the image above.
When the DIR pin is set HIGH, the transmitter buffer is activated. The signal on the Tx line will be propogated through to the SDI-12 line. It will also go to the receive buffer, however, the inverter disables the receive buffer so nothing is read. Technically, the RX tri-state buffer and inverter is optional if you choose to ignore any data received while transmitting, much like in this circuit. If the RX tri-state buffer is included, it can then be enabled by setting the DIR pin LOW and allowing data received from the SDI-12 sensor to be received.

Logic Inversion


Logic Levels


12-ms Break

If your microcontroller doesn't support sending a break signal of at least 12 ms, you will need to implement it another way. There are two ways this can be done: with hardware, or with software.

The software approach is cheaper, but is not supported by all microcontrollers. To do this, you need to close the serial device, set the output on the Tx line for 12 ms, and re-enable the serial device. The following Arduino code shows how this could be done:

void sendSDI12Break() {
  Serial.flush();  // make sure everything has been sent
  Serial.end();  // disable serial
  pinMode(txPin, OUTPUT);  // set Tx pin to output
  digitalWrite(txPin, HIGH);  // or LOW if inverting signal with hardware
  delay(12);  // break for minimum of 12ms
  Serial.begin(1200, 7E1);  // re-enable serial

Remember, this isn't guaranteed to work on all microcontrollers. I suggest testing this code (or similar code) before selecting the hardware.

The hardware approach is guaranteed to work for all devices, provided they have one free GPIO pin. This involves connecting the Tx signal to the new GPIO through either an AND or OR gate (depending on whether you've inverted the logic in the microcontroller or on the PCB). You can see this implemented below. In this circuit, it is assumed that the microcontroller is inverting the logic, so an OR gate is used. This allows the break signal to be sent by setting the FOut ("Force Out") pin HIGH for 12 ms.

SDI-UART implementation

While the FOut pin is LOW (default state), the output will be the same as the Tx pin. The truth table for this is shown below.

0 0 0
0 1 1
1 X 1

If you were inverting the logic in hardware, such as with tri-state buffers, you might consider using an AND gate instead and set the FOut pin LOW. The truth table would change in this situation.


Term Meaning
CRC Cyclic redundancy check, a form of error checking.
data recorder The microcontroller being used to communicate with the sensor.
default voltage The voltage (HIGH or LOW) on the Tx pin when not transmitting. This is almost always going to be HIGH, but it may vary for some microcontrollers. Only important if UART is not reinitialisable.
high voltage level The voltage (in volts) of a HIGH signal.
inverted In this context, refers to the UART driver outputting an inverted signal. This is likely the only case where default voltage is LOW.
reinitialisable The ability for the UART to be initialised again after being deinitialised.


[1] Wikipedia Contributers, "SDI-12," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia., 6 June 2017. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 25 May 2020].
[2] SDI-12 Support Group, "SDI-12 Specification," 10 January 2019. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 2020 May 25].
[3] A. Saari, S. A. Hinzey, J. R. Frigo, M. C. Proicou and L. Borges, "Using SDI-12 with ST microelectronics MCU's", Los Alamos National Lab, Los Alamos, 2015.