# 安装依赖
pnpm install
# 开启 js-runner-and-debugger、webview-ui 编译服务
pnpm start
在调试面板选择 Run Local Extension
在调试面板选择 Run Web Extension
Cannot activate the 'JS Runner & Debugger (In-browser)' extension because it depends on the 'WASI based WebAssembly Execution Engine' extension, which is not loaded. Would you like to reload the window to load the extension?
这个 vscode-kcide 这个插件是支持 Web 的,但是本地也是无法使用 Run Web Extension
进行调试,应该是 WASI based WebAssembly Execution Engine
# 使用 vscode-test-web 进行调试
pnpm --filter js-runner-and-debugger run run-in-browser
运行命令后会有以下提示,点击 Install and Reload
Cannot activate the 'JS Runner & Debugger (In-browser)' extension because it depends on the 'WASI based WebAssembly Execution Engine' extension from 'Microsoft', which is not installed. Would you like to install the extension and reload the window?
在使用 JS Runner & Debugger: Open WASI Terminal
功能的时候,会弹出 SharedArrayBuffer is not defined
报错,这个是 vscode 的同源限制,在网页链接后拼上 ?vscode-coi
- Allow SharedArrayBuffer to be used by extensions in vscode.dev (using cross-origin isolation)
- vscode-container-wasm: An Extension of VSCode on Browser for Running Containers Within Your Browser
pnpm run build
pnpm run package
运行完命令后会在 /packages/extentions/js-runner-and-debugger
目录下生成 js-runner-and-debugger.vsix
pnpm run publish