Simply host your corner of the internet in Rust
✔️ Quickly host static sites, via free tier cloud services (Google Cloud e2-micro) or a Raspberry Pi!
✔️ Git based content management (with Github webhook integration) with automated checkouts, content re-serving, and sitemap generation.
✔️ Status messages on content updates and hit statistics (Currently via Discord webhook integration)
✔️ URL shortening, e.g. /x/y/z/webpage.html
aliased as /x/y/z/webpage
✔️ Http redirect to https and Https certificates
✔️ IP throttling, and anonymised hit statistics
✔️ Hot 🔥 loadable configuration
- Zulip, Slack, etc. webhook integration.
- Gitlab webhook integration
- Proxy relaying (e.g. relay POSTS to AWS Lambda based apis)
- System health status messages.
- System alerts (user configurable burst events, RAM/DISC usage, etc.)
- Just create a folder with your
and other resources,.png, .gif, ...
- Point Busser to it with a config.json
- Run it, and that's it!*
* you'll need certificates for https, and open ports
The config.json
specifies key properties of the site and its content
"port_https": 443,
"port_http": 80,
"max_requests_per_second": 64.0,
"timeout_millis": 5000,
"clear_period_seconds": 3600
"path": "stats",
"hit_cooloff_seconds": 3600,
"save_schedule": "0 0 * * * * *",
"digest_schedule": "0 0 0 * * * *",
"ignore_regexes": ["/favicon.ico"]
"allow_without_extension": true,
"browser_cache_period_seconds": 3600,
"server_cache_period_seconds": 3600,
"ignore_regexes": ["/.git", "workspace"],
"generate_sitemap": true,
"message_on_sitemap_reload": true
"remote": "",
"branch": "main",
"checkout_schedule": "10 * * * * * *",
"remote_webhook_token": "GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET",
"key_path": "YOUR_KEY_PATH",
"user": "Jerboa-app",
"passphrase": "YOUR_KEY_PASS"
"domain": "",
"api_token": "YOUR_BUSSER_API_TOKEN",
"notification_endpoint": { "addr": "" },
"cert_path": "certs/cert.pem",
"key_path": "certs/key.pem"
The IP throttler only stores hashes of an IP and a request path, it is likely not considered identifiable information.
The statistics collection stores the IP, hit time, path, and counts for each IP-path pair. The IP is stored as a hash value.
Currently there is an API function to request a statistics digest, the following bash script will perform the request. It is currently limited to only returning stats based on already saved data.
# ./ the_secret_token '{"from_utc":"2024-03-07T08:40:50.948868839+00:00","post_discord": false}'
hmac=$(echo -n $2 | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac $1 | sed 's/SHA2-256(stdin)= //g')
curl -v -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d "$2" -H 'api: StatsDigest' -H "busser-token: ${hmac}" -X POST https://your.domain
The gcloud free tier allows for the following instance running 24/7:
1 non-preemptible e2-micro VM instance per month in one of the following US regions:
Oregon: us-west1
Iowa: us-central1
South Carolina: us-east1
30 GB-months standard persistent disk
1 GB of outbound data transfer from North America to all region destinations (excluding China and Australia) per month
You will still see costs in the Google cloud console, or savings suggestions. You should recieve free tier discount deductions to nullify these cost completely
This can be verified by:
- Navigating to the Google Cloud Console
- Selecting
form the burger menu (top left as of now) - Selecting
Cost Table
- In
(right) selectSKUs
- Type
- Select the all (e.g.
16 filtered results
) - Toggle the arrow for you project
- Toggle
Compute Engine
- You should see e.g.
E2 Instance Core running in Americas
- You should also see e.g.
E2 Instance Ram running with free tier discount
As this is a website you may be charged for network costs over the 1 GB outbound data, or for traffic from China and Australia
Using the gloud cli this command should create an instance template for the free tier, which can be used to create instances
gcloud beta compute instance-templates create free-tier-template-http --project=YOUR_PROJECT --machine-type=e2-micro \\
--network-interface=network=default,network-tier=PREMIUM \\
--instance-template-region=projects/YOUR_PROJECT/regions/us-central1 --maintenance-policy=MIGRATE \\
--provisioning-model=STANDARD --service-account=YOUR_SERVICE_ACCOUNT \\
--scopes=,,,,, \\
--enable-display-device --tags=http-server,https-server \\
--no-shielded-secure-boot --shielded-vtpm --shielded-integrity-monitoring --reservation-affinity=any
- create an e2 in us-central1 (Iowa) for both zone and region
- select e2-micro (0.25-2 vCPU 1GB memory)
- you can change the boot disc from 10GB to 30GB if you like
- allow HTTPS and HTTP (if you need it for certificate provising)
- all else as default
Make sure 443 and 80 are open ports (or whatever ports you wish to serve on)
- You can use the bash script
to generate a key/cert pair with openssl
- get a domain (e.g. from squarespace)
- create a custom DNS record, e.g.
your.domain.somewhere A 1 hour
- Use Let's Encrypts recommendation of certbot it really is very easy
- Something like
sudo certbot certonly --standalone -d your.domain.somewhere -d sub.your.domain.somehwere
- You will need to enable http in the cloud instance firewall for provisioning as well as https
- Something like
Either: Run at login, root may be required for certificates (should be for certbot ones)
Or: Use a service file in /lib/systemd/system
, e.g
ExecStart=busser -d
Then start and monitor it with
sudo systemctl start busser.service
and sudo journalctl -e -u busser.service