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"First, solve the problem. Then, write the code.” – John Johnson
Your Status can be: Done ✅ | In Progress🕓 | Skipped❌
Difficulty Rating: Easy | Easy-Medium | Medium | Medium-Hard | Hard
Problems for Week 1
Problems for Week 2
Problem Link | Status | Difficulty |
Top K Frequent Words | ✅ | |
Copy List with Random Pointer | ✅ | |
Most Common Word | ✅ | |
Merge k Sorted Lists | ✅ | |
Longest Palindromic Substring | ✅ | |
Subtree of Another Tree | ✅ | |
Trapping Rain Water | ✅ | |
Word Ladder | ✅ | |
Maximal Square | ✅ | |
Friend Circles | ✅ |
Problems for Week 3
Problems for Week 4
Problems for Week 5
Want to contribute? Great! Make a change in your file and raise a PR.
Free Software, Hell Yeah!
Disclaimer: Data collected from Internet and intended for educational purposes.