We suggest using the same set of datasets used by PGL-SUM or A2Summ. Download the TVSum & SumMe datasets from the links provided by either of the two repositories.
The data directories should look as follows:
|-- data
|-- annotations
|-- SumMe
|-- eccv16_dataset_summe_google_pool5.h5
|-- TVSum
|-- eccv16_dataset_tvsum_google_pool5.h5
We can perform the experiments on video summarization with the default configuration by following the three steps below.
Run the following command to generate temporal graphs from the features:
On SumMe:
python data/generate_temporal_graphs.py --dataset SumMe --features eccv16_dataset_summe_google_pool5 --tauf 10 --skip_factor 0
On TVSum:
python data/generate_temporal_graphs.py --dataset TVSum --features eccv16_dataset_tvsum_google_pool5 --tauf 5 --skip_factor 0
The generated graphs will be saved under data/graphs
. Each graph captures long temporal context information in a video.
Next, run the training script by passing the default configuration file. You also need to specify which split to perform the experiments on:
On SumMe:
python tools/train_context_reasoning.py --cfg configs/video-summarization/SumMe/SPELL_default.yaml --split 4
On TVSum:
python tools/train_context_reasoning.py --cfg configs/video-summarization/TVSum/SPELL_default.yaml --split 4
The results and logs will be saved under results
Now, we can evaluate the trained model's performance, You also need to specify which split to perform the evaluation on:
On SumMe:
python tools/evaluate.py --exp_name SPELL_VS_SumMe_default --eval_type VS_max --split 4
On TVSum:
python tools/evaluate.py --exp_name SPELL_VS_TVSum_default --eval_type VS_avg --split 4
This will print the evaluation scores.
You can also get average results from all splits:
On SumMe:
python tools/evaluate.py --exp_name SPELL_VS_SumMe_default --eval_type VS_max --all_splits
On TVSum:
python tools/evaluate.py --exp_name SPELL_VS_TVSum_default --eval_type VS_avg --all_splits
You can use bash scripts from gravit/utils/vs/
to train models on all the splits and get evaluation metrics for TVSum and SumMe.