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90.7805 21.7863 89.8041 21.3213ZM94.9358 18.3299C95.3388 17.927 95.5558 17.369 95.5558 16.7025C95.5558 16.0206 95.3543 15.4936 94.9358 15.0906C94.5174 14.6876 93.9594 14.4861 93.2619 14.4861C92.5335 14.4861 91.9739 14.6876 91.5555 15.0906C91.1525 15.4936 90.9355 16.0206 90.9355 16.7025C90.9355 17.3845 91.137 17.927 91.5555 18.3299C91.9739 18.7484 92.5335 18.9499 93.2619 18.9499C93.9594 18.9344 94.5329 18.7329 94.9358 18.3299Z"></path><path d="M110.048 11.9901V15.6325C109.614 15.3535 109.056 15.214 108.374 15.214C107.475 15.214 106.777 15.493 106.297 16.0354C105.816 16.5779 105.568 17.4304 105.568 18.5773V21.6772H101.43V11.8196H105.491V14.966C105.708 13.819 106.08 12.9666 106.576 12.4241C107.072 11.8816 107.723 11.5872 108.513 11.5872C109.102 11.5872 109.614 11.7267 110.048 11.9901Z"></path><path d="M124 9.52563V21.6925H119.862V19.4761C119.505 20.3131 118.978 20.9486 118.265 21.3825C117.551 21.8165 116.667 22.0335 115.613 22.0335C114.683 22.0335 113.862 21.801 113.164 21.3515C112.467 20.9021 111.925 20.2666 111.553 19.4761C111.181 18.6702 110.995 17.7712 110.995 16.7793C110.979 15.7408 111.181 14.8109 111.599 13.9894C112.002 13.168 112.591 12.5325 113.335 12.0675C114.079 11.6025 114.931 11.37 115.892 11.37C117.861 11.37 119.18 12.2225 119.862 13.9429V9.52563H124ZM119.242 18.2517C119.66 17.8487 119.877 17.3062 119.877 16.6553C119.877 16.0198 119.676 15.5083 119.257 15.1209C118.839 14.7334 118.281 14.5319 117.582 14.5319C116.884 14.5319 116.326 14.7334 115.908 15.1364C115.489 15.5393 115.288 16.0508 115.288 16.7018C115.288 17.3527 115.489 17.8642 115.908 18.2672C116.326 18.6702 116.869 18.8717 117.566 18.8717C118.265 18.8717 118.823 18.6702 119.242 18.2517Z"></path><path d="M58.9885 12.4091C60.1772 12.4091 61.1429 11.5416 61.1429 10.4717C61.1429 9.40164 60.1772 8.5343 58.9885 8.5343C57.7981 8.5343 56.8341 9.40164 56.8341 10.4717C56.8341 11.5416 57.7981 12.4091 58.9885 12.4091Z"></path><path d="M61.1429 13.741C59.8254 14.3144 58.1825 14.3299 56.8341 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<h1 id="discord-community-guidelines">Discord Community Guidelines<a class="hyperlink" href="#discord-community-guidelines"><div name="discord-community-guidelines"></div></a></h1><span class="paragraph-3ckiht">Effective: March 28, 2022<br>Last Updated: February 25, 2022</span><span class="paragraph-3ckiht">We created Discord to be a place where it’s easy to communicate genuinely, build relationships, and have fun hanging out. Our Community Guidelines ensure everyone finds belonging, but not at the expense of anyone else.</span><span class="paragraph-3ckiht">These guidelines explain what is and isn’t allowed on Discord. Everyone on Discord must follow these rules, and they apply to all parts of our platform, including your content, behaviors, servers, and bots. We may consider relevant <a href="https://dis.gd/importantupdates" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"><span>off-platform behavior when assessing for violations of specific Community Guidelines</span></a>.</span><span class="paragraph-3ckiht">Our Trust & Safety team reviews reports by users, moderators, or trusted reports. When someone violates these guidelines we may take a number of enforcement steps against them including: issuing warnings; removing content; suspending or removing the accounts and/or servers responsible; and potentially reporting them to law enforcement.</span><span class="paragraph-3ckiht">If you come across a user, message, or server that appears to break these guidelines, please <a href="https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000029731" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"><span>report it to us</span></a>.</span><h1 id="respect-each-other">Respect Each Other<a class="hyperlink" href="#respect-each-other"><div name="respect-each-other"></div></a></h1><ul><li><span class="bold-2i9i2c">Do not harass others or organize, promote, or participate in harassment</span>. Disagreements happen and are normal, but making continuous, repetitive, or severe negative comments or circumventing a block or ban can cross the line into harassment and is not okay.</li><li><span class="bold-2i9i2c">Do not organize, promote, or participate in hate speech or hateful conduct</span>. It’s unacceptable to attack a person or a community based on attributes such as their race, ethnicity, caste, national origin, sex, gender identity, gender presentation, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, age, serious illness, disabilities, or other protected classifications.</li><li><span class="bold-2i9i2c">Do not make threats of violence or threaten to harm others</span>. This includes indirect or suggestive threats, as well as sharing or threatening to share someone’s personally identifiable information (also known as doxxing).</li><li><span class="bold-2i9i2c">Do not use Discord for the organization, promotion, or support of violent extremism</span>. This also includes glorifying violent events, the perpetrators of violent acts, or similar behaviors.</li><li><span class="bold-2i9i2c">Do not sexualize children in any way</span>. You cannot share content or links which depict children in a pornographic, sexually suggestive, or violent manner, including illustrated or digitally altered pornography that depicts children (such as lolicon, shotacon, or cub) and conduct grooming behaviors. We report illegal content and grooming to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
<ul><li>We strongly discourage and may take action against vigilante behavior, as it can interfere with our investigation and ability to report to law enforcement.</li></ul></li><li><span class="bold-2i9i2c">Do not make adult content available to anyone under the age of 18</span>. You must be age 18 or older to participate in adult content on Discord. You must apply the age-restricted label to any channels or servers if they contain adult content or other restricted content such as violent content.
<ul><li>Do not use adult content in avatars, server banners, server icons, invite splashes, emoji, stickers, or any other space that cannot be age-restricted.</li></ul></li><li><span class="bold-2i9i2c">Do not share sexually explicit content of other people without their consent</span>, or promote the sharing of non-consensual intimate materials (images, video, or audio), sometimes known as revenge porn.</li><li><span class="bold-2i9i2c">Do not share content that glorifies or promotes suicide or self-harm</span>, including any encouragement to others to cut themselves or embrace eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia.
<ul><li>Self-harm threats used as a form of emotional manipulation or coercion are also prohibited.</li></ul></li><li><span class="bold-2i9i2c">Do not share real media depicting gore, excessive violence, or animal harm, especially with the intention to harass or shock others.</span></li><li><span class="bold-2i9i2c">Do not share content that violates anyone's intellectual property or other rights.</span></li></ul><h1 id="be-honest">Be Honest<a class="hyperlink" href="#be-honest"><div name="be-honest"></div></a></h1><ul><li><span class="bold-2i9i2c">Do not share false or misleading information (otherwise known as misinformation)</span>. Content that is false, misleading, and can lead to significant risk of physical or societal harm may not be shared on Discord. We may remove content if we reasonably believe its spread could result in damage to physical infrastructure, injury of others, obstruction of participation in civic processes, or the endangerment of public health.</li><li><span class="bold-2i9i2c">Do not coordinate or participate in malicious impersonation of an individual or an organization</span>. Satire and parody are okay.</li><li><span class="bold-2i9i2c">Do not engage in activities intended to cause damage or gain unauthorized access to another user's account, network, or system</span>. This includes impersonating Discord staff, distributing malware, authentication token theft, phishing, DDOS, and other hacking or social engineering techniques.</li><li><span class="bold-2i9i2c">Do not distribute or provide access to content involving the hacking, cracking, or distribution of stolen goods, pirated content, or accounts</span>. This includes sharing or selling game cheats or hacks.</li></ul><h1 id="respect-discord">Respect Discord<a class="hyperlink" href="#respect-discord"><div name="respect-discord"></div></a></h1><ul><li><span class="bold-2i9i2c">Do not use Discord to spam, manipulate engagement, or disrupt other people’s experience</span>, including trying to to influence or disrupt conversations using bots, fake accounts, multiple accounts, or other automation. This includes purchasing or selling methods of artificially increasing membership, such as via advertisements or botting.</li><li><span class="bold-2i9i2c">Do not organize, promote, or engage in any illegal or dangerous behavior</span>, such as sexual solicitation, human trafficking, and selling or facilitating the sale of prohibited or potentially dangerous goods (firearms, ammunition, drugs, and controlled substances). These activities are likely to get you kicked off Discord, and may get you reported to law enforcement.</li><li><span class="bold-2i9i2c">Do not abuse Discord products in any way</span>, such as selling or purchasing an account or server, or participating in fraudulent Nitro incentives or Boosting activities.</li><li><span class="bold-2i9i2c">Do not use self-bots or user-bots</span>. Each account must be associated with a human, not a bot. Self-bots put strain on Discord’s infrastructure and our ability to run our services. For more information, you can read our Developer Policies <a href="https://discord.com/developers/docs/policy" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"><span>here</span></a>.</li><li><span class="bold-2i9i2c">Do not mislead Discord’s support teams</span>. Do not make false or malicious reports to Trust & Safety or Customer Support; send multiple reports about the same issue; or ask a group of users to report the same content or issue. These behaviors may result in action being taken on your account.</li></ul><span class="paragraph-3ckiht">If you see any activity that violates these guidelines, our Terms of Service, or our other policies, please report it to us in the Discord mobile app or by filling out this <a href="https://dis.gd/request" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"><span>form</span></a>.</span><span class="paragraph-3ckiht">These guidelines will continue to evolve over time. This means we may take action against a user, server, or content that violates the spirit of these guidelines when we encounter a new threat or harm that is not explicitly covered in the current version.</span><span class="paragraph-3ckiht">We will always make our best effort to notify you when we update these guidelines, but it is up to you to follow the spirit of them: keep Discord safe and a place for everyone to belong. Thanks for doing your part.</span></div></div></div></div><div class="grid-3d2PVT footer-gguAio brand-1AbNp3" role="navigation"><div class="row-31oovZ"><div class="infoBox-2F-_KW"><h4 class="h4-2lGy8w tagline-1rsZ5q headline-QzRfUg">Imagine a place</h4><div class="language-eGQ78u"><div class="container-5YF8IH"><div tabindex="0" class="selectorContainer-qHmUl3" role="button"><img class="arrowIcon-3hG4PK" src="images/assets-779a770c34fcb823a598a7277301adaf.svg" alt="Open Locale Picker"></div></div></div><div class="social-3RuOPP"><a class="link-1naFFL linkDefault-3q74_X socialLink-1h9CDw" href="https://twitter.com/discord" title="Discord on Twitter"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" class="socialIcon-38NB2e"><path fill="currentColor" d="M8.2177 20.2976C15.798 20.2976 19.9327 14.0329 19.9327 8.58261V8.05011C20.7362 7.46091 21.435 6.74089 22 5.92012C21.2567 6.26235 20.4637 6.48437 19.6507 6.57791C20.5139 6.06164 21.1597 5.24885 21.4675 4.2913C20.6598 4.76183 19.7822 5.10021 18.8677 5.29365C17.3053 3.64491 14.7069 3.56109 13.0415 5.10571C11.9701 6.10222 11.5157 7.59694 11.8512 9.02114C8.54594 8.85772 5.46574 7.29769 3.37823 4.72983C2.28095 6.60789 2.84519 9.01622 4.66249 10.2114C4.00661 10.1858 3.36464 10.0146 2.78309 9.71026V9.7729C2.78257 11.7293 4.15628 13.417 6.07204 13.8136C5.46884 13.9751 4.83671 13.9965 4.22396 13.8763C4.76475 15.5538 6.31437 16.7003 8.07674 16.7267C6.62377 17.8749 4.82287 18.4936 2.97103 18.4808C2.65779 18.4808 2.31323 18.4495 2 18.4182C3.84433 19.6513 6.0148 20.3057 8.23336 20.2976"></path></svg></a><a class="link-1naFFL linkDefault-3q74_X socialLink-1h9CDw" href="https://www.instagram.com/discord/" title="Discord on Instagram"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" class="socialIcon-38NB2e"><g fill="currentColor"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.9969 2.00632C9.28187 2.00632 8.94143 2.01783 7.87516 2.06648C6.81111 2.11501 6.0844 2.28402 5.44853 2.53116C4.79115 2.78659 4.23365 3.12842 3.67786 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3.80755 14.9823 3.81775 16.0364 3.86584C17.0111 3.91029 17.5404 4.07314 17.8927 4.21005C18.3593 4.3914 18.6923 4.60802 19.0421 4.95786C19.392 5.30767 19.6086 5.64068 19.79 6.10731C19.9269 6.45957 20.0897 6.9889 20.1342 7.96358C20.1823 9.01771 20.1925 9.3339 20.1925 12.0032C20.1925 14.6724 20.1823 14.9886 20.1342 16.0427C20.0897 17.0174 19.9269 17.5468 19.79 17.899C19.6086 18.3656 19.392 18.6987 19.0421 19.0485C18.6923 19.3983 18.3593 19.6149 17.8927 19.7963C17.5404 19.9332 17.0111 20.096 16.0364 20.1405C14.9825 20.1886 14.6663 20.1988 11.9969 20.1988C9.32738 20.1988 9.01127 20.1886 7.95726 20.1405C6.98258 20.096 6.45325 19.9332 6.10099 19.7963C5.63437 19.6149 5.30135 19.3983 4.95155 19.0485C4.60175 18.6987 4.38508 18.3656 4.20373 17.899C4.06683 17.5468 3.90397 17.0174 3.85952 16.0427C3.81143 14.9886 3.80123 14.6724 3.80123 12.0032C3.80123 9.3339 3.81143 9.01771 3.85952 7.96358C3.90397 6.9889 4.06683 6.45957 4.20373 6.10731C4.38508 5.64068 4.60171 5.30767 4.95155 4.95786C5.30135 4.60802 5.63437 4.3914 6.10099 4.21005C6.45325 4.07314 6.98258 3.91029 7.95726 3.86584C9.01139 3.81775 9.32758 3.80755 11.9969 3.80755Z"></path><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.9968 15.3355C10.1564 15.3355 8.66451 13.8435 8.66451 12.0032C8.66451 10.1628 10.1564 8.67089 11.9968 8.67089C13.8372 8.67089 15.3291 10.1628 15.3291 12.0032C15.3291 13.8435 13.8372 15.3355 11.9968 15.3355ZM11.9968 6.86966C9.16161 6.86966 6.86328 9.16799 6.86328 12.0032C6.86328 14.8384 9.16161 17.1367 11.9968 17.1367C14.832 17.1367 17.1303 14.8384 17.1303 12.0032C17.1303 9.16799 14.832 6.86966 11.9968 6.86966Z"></path><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M18.5328 6.66684C18.5328 7.32938 17.9957 7.86644 17.3331 7.86644C16.6706 7.86644 16.1335 7.32938 16.1335 6.66684C16.1335 6.0043 16.6706 5.46719 17.3331 5.46719C17.9957 5.46719 18.5328 6.0043 18.5328 6.66684Z"></path></g></svg></a><a class="link-1naFFL linkDefault-3q74_X socialLink-1h9CDw" href="https://www.facebook.com/discord/" 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