Releases: IgniteUI/ignite-ui
Releases · IgniteUI/ignite-ui
19.1 Service Release 1
Bug Fixes
- Webpack support for IgniteUI is broken #1933
- [igDialog] nested modal dialog causes showing scrollbar on its parent dialog. #1916
- Fix for bug #261942 - Dont reposition dropdown when setting combo sizes #1949
- igDatePicker: Mouse over highlighting of dates does not work after the control is recreated. #1921
- The igTree nodeDropping and nodeDropped events should expose the tree in its arguments #1939
- igEditors: Input text is invisible if Bootstrap Theme Generator's default theme is applied. #1930
- [igDateEditor/igDatePicker] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null when a non-numeric Japanese text is selected by mouse click from the drop down of IME's alternative texts. #1903
- Fix issues with to/from oa date #1965
- Paste from excel in igDatePicker not working #1972
- String in the inputMask becomes visible after focus leaves #1974
- [igDialog] Background doesn't get blurred until modal igDialog completely shows up when openAnimation is "fade". #1966
- Add Shape dependency in loader for igMap widget #1992
- PathVisualData is not a constructor #1982
18.2 Service Release 3
Bug Fixes
- Fix issues with to/from oa date #1928
- Webpack support for IgniteUI is broken #1933
- [igDialog] nested modal dialog causes showing scrollbar on its parent dialog. #1916
- Fix for 262919: Undefined error is thrown after child grid is rendered, deleted and window is resized. #1945
- Fix for bug #261942 - Dont reposition dropdown when setting combo sizes #1950
- igDatePicker: Mouse over highlighting of dates does not work after the control is recreated. #1921
- The igTree nodeDropping and nodeDropped events should expose the tree in its arguments #1939
- igEditors: Input text is invisible if Bootstrap Theme Generator's default theme is applied. #1930
- [igDateEditor/igDatePicker] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null when a non-numeric Japanese text is selected by mouse click from the drop down of IME's alternative texts. #1903
- Paste from excel in igDatePicker not working #1972
- String in the inputMask becomes visible after focus leaves #1974
- Add Shape dependency in loader for igMap widget #1991
- [igDialog] Background doesn't get blurred until modal igDialog completely shows up when openAnimation is "fade". #1966
- PathVisualData is not a constructor #1982
19.1 RTM
18.1 Service Release 4
18.2 Service Release 2
18.2 Service Release 1
Bug fixes
- Change combo data source only when dataSource() observable is invoked #1847
- igDateEditor continues to spin down #1846
- igDatePicker calendar falls back to default regional settings when 'en-US' is passed #1842
- Changing combo data source using knockout observable is not working #1852
- Infragistics 2012 theme icons have bad visibility. #1863
- igCombo input is cleared on filtering #1840
- igDateEditor: Value is not correct when it is entered from a keypad on an Android device. #1853
- igVideoPlayer throws an error when you initialize it on a video element #1827
- The second panel of the igSplitter disappears when moving the splitter and then resizing the browser #1696
18.1 Service Release 3
Bug fixes
- There are additional icons into the drag helper if into the nodeContentTemplate there are spans #1817
- Infragistics 2012 theme icons have bad visibility. #1863
- igCombo input is cleared on filtering #1840
- igDateEditor: Value is not correct when it is entered from a keypad on an Android device. #1853
- igVideoPlayer throws an error when you initialize it on a video element #1827
- The second panel of the igSplitter disappears when moving the splitter and then resizing the browser #1696
- igNumericEditor: minValue setting takes precedence over allowNullValue=true. #1834
- igCombo input is cleared on filtering #1840
- igDateEditor continues to spin down #1846
- igDatePicker calendar falls back to default regional settings when 'en-US' is passed #1842
- Changing combo data source using knockout observable is not working #1852
17.2 Service Release 5
Bug Fixes
- Auto-fill does not update igTextEditor #1776
- There are additional icons into the drag helper if into the nodeContentTemplate there are spans #1817
- igNumericEditor: minValue setting takes precedence over allowNullValue=true. #1834
- igDatePicker calendar falls back to default regional settings when 'en-US' is passed #1842
- igDateEditor continues to spin down #1846
- Changing combo data source using knockout observable is not working #1852
- Fix icons color #1867
- igCombo input is cleared on filtering #1840
- igDateEditor: Value is not correct when it is entered from a keypad on an Android device. #1853
- igVideoPlayer throws an error when you initialize it on a video element #1827
- The second panel of the igSplitter disappears when moving the splitter and then resizing the browser #1696
18.2 RTM
18.1 Service Release 2
Bug Fixes
- Auto-fill does not update igTextEditor #1776
- Make sure left positioning of the popover is not negative #1756
- igTree does not raise nodeExpanded event on first expand if loadOnDemand is true. #1725
- Fix igScroll not working on MacOS when Mac's scrollbar aren't set toalways visible. #1768
- If a node text contains scripts in an html-encoded string, they get executed when a node is dragged. #1724
- currentTime moves to the end of the video when a progress bar is clicked. #1722
- Fix the cut icons arrows for spinner buttons #1791
- style(filter dialog and menu)Fix separator and filter dialog styling #1793
- igGrid's summaries misalignment in Metro theme when hovered #1757
- Change icon for delete row/col and clear content #1797
- igEditors don't fire textChanged event on Safari on MacOS #
- Uncaught TypeError is thrown when IME is enabled and a number is typed #1695