The final workshop of the I3S ESSnet will take place online on the afternoons (CET) of 27 and 28 April 2021.
[14:00-14:15] Welcome and introduction (resp. FR)
Overview of the ESSnet, structure and organisation of the meeting.
[14:15-16:00] Session 1 - Architecture (resp. SE)
Presentation of Work Package 2 results - Discussant: Matjaž Jug
[15:15-16:00] "How" - A description of how to implement the architecture and a presentation/demo of the "cookbook" (ie code examples)
[16:15-17:15] Session 2 - Deployment (resp. NO)
Presentation of Work Package 3 results - Discussant: Joni Karanka
Presentation of Work Package 1 results - Discussant: Tomaz Speh
Implementing new services from existing solutions
[14:00-14:45] Part 1 (recording)
- [15 min] ARC (Presenter: Manuel Soulier)
- [10 min] Relais (Presenter: Mauro Bruno)
- [10 min] PXWeb (Presenter: Hakim Sjöström)
- [10 min] VTL Tools (Presenters: Nicolas Laval and Franck Cotton)
Service reuse and lessons learned
- [15 min] Istat reusing ARC service (Presenter: Giuseppina Ruocco)
- [10 min] Insee reusing Relais service (Presenters: Manuel Soulier and Franck Cotton)
- [10 min] PXWeb reuse cases (Presenter: Rune Johansen)
- [10 min] Lessons learned (Presenter: Mauro Bruno)
Presentation of Work Package 4 results - Discussant: Taeke Gjaltema
- [15 min] Survey results
- [15 min] New approach on available service awareness
- [15 min] Communication kit
- [15 min] Discussion on communication
Concluding remarks and final discussion.