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Submitting a Pull Request

James Thompson edited this page Aug 16, 2019 · 7 revisions

Contributions to HelixUI are submitted through Pull Requests using the Github Flow workflow.


Pull requests that violate licensing rules will not be accepted.

Github Flow

  • fork
  • clone
  • branch
  • code
  • commit
  • push
  • PR

Commit Message Format

The following rules are inspired by the AngularJS commit conventions.

<type>(<scope>): <subject>

Allowed <type>

  • feat (feature)
  • fix (correct bug)
  • docs (documentation)
  • refactor (code update without changing functionality)
  • test (adding tests)
  • chore (maintain)

Allowed <scope>

Scope can be anything that specifies the breadth of changes. For example:

  • * - Applies to numerous features
  • HXElement - Applies to the HXElement class
  • icons - pertains to the SVG icons
  • etc.

<subject> Text

  • Use imperative, present tense: "change" not "changed" or "changes"
  • Don't capitalize first letter (sentence case)
  • no dot/period at the end

Message <body>

  • Same as the subject, use imperative, present tense.
  • Include motivation for the change and contrasts with previous functionality.

Message <footer>

The footer is optional. Use the footer to record any of the following:

  • Deprecations
    • DEPRECATED: `<hx-thingamabob>`, use `<hx-thingamajig>` instead
  • Breaking Changes
    • BREAKING: Deprecated `<hx-thingamabob>` removed.
  • Issue References
    • Closes #1234
  • User Story References
    • Closes JIRA-3456
    • Do not include full URL to user story. The identifier is what matters.
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