The landscape of genomic alterations across childhood cancers (Gröbner and Worst et al., Nature, 2018) examines commonalities and differences of genomic variants across multiple pediatric cancer types.
Supplementary tables from the paper were downloaded. Supplementary Table 9 contains 77 significantly mutated genes as identified by MuSiC on SNVs and Indels. These were extracted as a standalone list.
Of these, "25" genes were identified in the manuscript as overlapping with adult SMGs. While some of this list was provided as labels in Extended Data Figure 5c, inspection of this list revealed only 23 genes. To verify if this list was complete, the adult SMG list was extracted from Table S4 of the 2013 TCGA pan-cancer study and 23 overlapping gene symbols were identified.
The overlapping list of 23 genes precisely matched the 23 genes listed in Figure 5c.
Table S20 makes some broad classifications of gene Likely Functional Events for recurrently altered genes
GISTIC CNA analysis was performed.
Fusions did not appear to be a substantial part of the analysis.