Round 2
- Tell me about urself
- Which language you preferred to code and then why
- How much you know abt c , python, java, db,ds ?
- Which framework familiar for me?
- Latest c++ version
- What is typescript ?
- Difference between typescript and javascript
- Networking layers and some networks related qns
- Working of cpp
- Fav subject: i said data structure
- How do you know given tree it is a binary search tree
- What is diff tree and graph
- Difference between stack and queue
- Difference between singly and double linked list
- What is major diff between c and python
- Difference between list and tuple
- Difference between tcp and udp
- Diff between void and null
- Diff between call by value and call by reference
- Elaborate about my mini project and how much cost need to implement that project. what is the real world use of your project
- Stack using queue and queue using stack
- What are the STL used in c++
- They give the Previous round program what i wrote and run it in compiler and ask to explain
- What is the space complexity of the program
- What is docker container?
- .dll extension error ?
- Error faced during when ur builting responsive website?
- How compiler works ?
- What is reponsiveness
- Any live projects with responsiveness you have done
- They ask the source code of what i mentioned as a project and asked to explain it.
- What are the largest code or else had a more complexity program u wrote , show the source code and explain it.
- What is segmentation fault and why it is happened
- What are the tool used for coding, their version and why u choose it
- I mentioned my hobby project as a game then 10 to 15 mins discuss about why u choose it what r the things make u to develop this game and then about software size like that
- How you debug the program
- If any trouble happened in program what you do
- What r the problems u faces during long programming who u called to help and then how it to be rectified
- Tell me about ur family
Round 3
- Tell me about urself
- Advantage of c++ over c
- What is React why you choose it
- What is the use of component in React
- How much rating for ur knowledge and they ask the qn according to it
- Asked what's ur most liked subject - DS ,DB I mentioned
- What is data structure and its types
- What is ur system configuration
- Stack ,queue code with real time examples
- What is the best sorting algorithm
- Sorting types with space complexity
- Write the code for merge sort
- Code of operator overloading
- Code of funtion overloading
- Code for constructor with different parameters
- Code for class
- Code for call by value ,reference
- What is view
- Uses of view
- What is join and its types
- What is indexing in dbms
- Types of keys and its uses
- What is polymorphism
- What is function overloading and function overriding
- Write the syntax for function overloading and function overriding
- What is Encapsulation
- What is abstraction
- Since I mentioned blog in my resume they asked me a url for that
- Regular expression
- Convolutions neural network
- How you reduce your laptop running out of space
- Linux commands and command for reducing running out of space
- Asked to write 4 queries by using joins
- Asked to write the program for traingle star print not triangle pattern
- Finally 5 mins are there so they see my bookmarks and ask the qn from it