diff --git a/changelog/platform.mdx b/changelog/platform.mdx
index d8d2f8641..09b61c563 100644
--- a/changelog/platform.mdx
+++ b/changelog/platform.mdx
@@ -21,6 +21,33 @@ icon: "layer-group"
+ api@6efc66d
+ The release notes provide the following updates:
+ Implemented the ability to fetch distinct values for a specific field with error and valid counts by passing `distinct=true&fieldKey=&includeCounts=true`. This returns all the distinct values for the given field along with their total count, valid count, and error count.
+ Added support for sorting the distinct values when fetching with counts by using the `sortField` and `sortDirection` parameters.
+ Implemented fetching distinct values for all fields in a sheet with counts by passing `distinct=true&includeCounts=true`. This returns an object with all fields as keys and their distinct values with counts as the values.
+ Fixed an issue where fetching distinct values for a specific field without counts (`distinct=true&fieldKey=`) was not correctly applying filters.
+ Added a new test case to verify that the error counts are calculated correctly when fetching distinct values with counts for a field with a unique constraint.
+ For example, to get distinct values for the "name" field with counts and sorted by name in ascending order:
+ ```
+ /sheets/:sheetId/cells?distinct=true&fieldKey=name&includeCounts=true&sortField=name&sortDirection=asc
+ ```
### December 02, 2024
diff --git a/changelog/src/platform/20241206-1733512768167.mdx b/changelog/src/platform/20241206-1733512768167.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1d1597e05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changelog/src/platform/20241206-1733512768167.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+### December 06, 2024
+## dataxp
+The release notes provide the following updates:
+Implemented the ability to fetch distinct values for a specific field with error and valid counts by passing `distinct=true&fieldKey=&includeCounts=true`. This returns all the distinct values for the given field along with their total count, valid count, and error count.
+Added support for sorting the distinct values when fetching with counts by using the `sortField` and `sortDirection` parameters.
+Implemented fetching distinct values for all fields in a sheet with counts by passing `distinct=true&includeCounts=true`. This returns an object with all fields as keys and their distinct values with counts as the values.
+Fixed an issue where fetching distinct values for a specific field without counts (`distinct=true&fieldKey=`) was not correctly applying filters.
+Added a new test case to verify that the error counts are calculated correctly when fetching distinct values with counts for a field with a unique constraint.
+For example, to get distinct values for the "name" field with counts and sorted by name in ascending order:
\ No newline at end of file