#notes #writing #reading #zettelkasten #books #learning #organization #system
- Organize notes in only one place, with the same format, in that way it is easier to process them later.
- On your [[8imv-slip-box]] the notes are divided by context not by topics
- The [[8imv-slip-box]] becomes more valuable as more it increases its size with the number of notes.
- [[nx1q-project-notes]] are notes regarding a specific project.
- Collect notes from multiple sources for multiple projects and does not being stuck on only one project because the connection between notes can be limited.
- Take care of transforming everything into [[ave9-fleeting-notes]] and in that way be induced to restart everything again.
- [[wz0b-permanent-notes]] are sources of knowledge because they all have enough context to be understandable.
- Try to process [[ave9-fleeting-notes]] and [[ndec-literature-notes]] as fast as possible to because you can lose its context before passing it to [[wz0b-permanent-notes]].
- Only [[wz0b-permanent-notes]] are put in the [[8imv-slip-box]].
- The notes you are taking will give you a [[3j89-feedback-loop]] about how good they are and how good you are exploring a specific topic. If you are writing something that you did not understand correctly the notes will show that you not concise about a specific topic.
- When writing notes don't be a critic, do this after the notes is already done or during the proofread.
- Handwriting notes is better to learning because they need to be more assertive because we write slow [[mjpl-handwriting-with-our-words]]#.
How to take smart notes (Ahrens, 2017, p38-44)
- Ahrens, 2017, p49-51
- Ahrens, 2017, p67-69