- Figure out the algorithmic stuff
A system to display feedback for the hand position is now in place. It's currently still pretty glitchy, but those few bugs should hopefully be ironed out soon.
- Put it all together, or at least start to
Rudimentary systems for inputting sign to load are starting to congeal on the edges of the program. Soon enough we'll have a system for choosing and showing signs automatically.
One of the biggest problems we've been having over the last couple weeks is getting the point positional data of the hands which we've saved onto the rotational construct that is the model we're trying to use. This is turning out to be a lot more complicated than we expected, and at this point we're starting to consider just skipping the model and drawing our own representation. Luckily, code to tdo this is mostly complete, so we can decide to go down this path at pretty much any point.
- Continue work on the algorithms
- Start writing report