Material UI Text/Gif/Attachment Comment Box
Component that is built on top of Material UI, and React Giphy Searchbox.
npm i material-ui-gif-textbox
import CommentBox from "material-ui-gif-textbox" ;
function App ( ) {
const [ commentBody , setCommentBody ] = useState ( "" ) ;
const [ gifUrl , setGifUrl ] = useState ( "" ) ;
const [ files , setFiles ] = useState ( [ ] ) ;
const selectGif = React . useCallback (
( e ) => {
setGifUrl ( e . images . downsized_large . url ) ;
setCommentBody ( "" ) ;
} ,
[ gifUrl , commentBody ]
) ;
const commentChange = React . useCallback (
( data ) => {
setGifUrl ( "" ) ;
setCommentBody ( data ) ;
} ,
[ gifUrl , commentBody ]
) ;
const onSubmit = ( e ) => {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
const data = {
url : gifUrl ,
content : commentBody ,
file : files ,
} ;
console . log ( data ) ;
} ;
return (
< CommentBox
type = "gif-comment"
apiKey = "9Ixlv3DWC1biJRI57RanyL7RTbfzz0o7"
commentChange = { ( e ) => commentChange ( e . target . value ) }
content = { commentBody }
gifChange = { selectGif }
gifUrl = { gifUrl }
onSubmit = { onSubmit }
files = { files }
setFiles = { setFiles }
haveAttachment = { true }
) ;