- Jekyll will replace this line with an auto-generated table of contents. {:toc}
This lesson is being developed using a slimmed-down variant of the "Understanding by Design" process. The main sections are:
Assumptions about audience, time, etc. (The current draft also includes some conclusions and decisions in this section - that should be refactored.)
Desired results: overall goals, summative assessments at half-day granularity, what learners will be able to do, what learners will know.
Learning plan: each episode has a heading that summarizes what will be covered, then estimates time that will be spent on teaching and on exercises, while the exercises are given as bullet points.
- Audience
- Graduate students in neuroscience.
- FIXME: more about their background and prior knowledge.
- Constraints
- FIXME: three full days.
- Full course is ten half days.
- First four half days are a standard Software Carpentry workshop.
- Learners use native installs on their own machines
- May use VMs or cloud resources at instructor's discretion
- But must keep native local install as an option
- Use the Jupyter Notebook for Python.
- Authentic tool used by many instructors.
- There isn't really an alternative...
- FIXME: three full days.
- Motivating Examples
- FIXME: brief summary of what learners will learn how to do.
- Data
- FIXME: describe data sets
- Challenges will mostly not be "write this code from scratch"
- Want lots of short exercises that can reliably be finished in allotted time
- So use "fix this pipeline", "fill in the blanks", Parsons Problems, etc.
How do I...
- ...FIXME: questions that learners have before they meet us.
I can...
- ...FIXME: what can they do after the class?
I know...
- ...FIXME: major landmarks in their mental model.
- FIXME: what can learners do at the end of each half day?
Map the first half day.
- Teaching: 15 min
- FIXME: point-form summary of main ideas.
- Challenges: 15 min
- FIXME: point-form summary of each exercise.
- Teaching: 10 min
- FIXME: carry on as above
- Challenges: 20 min
- FIXME: as above.
Map the second half day.