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Antity.js is an Open source library for easy entity management.

  • Only 1 small dependency to check inputs variables
  • Very lightweight
  • Thoroughly tested
  • Works in Javascript, Typescript
  • Can be used as EcmaScrypt module
  • Written in Typescript


  • node: 22

This is the oldest targeted versions. The library should work properly on older versions of Node.js but we do not support it officially.


$ npm i @dwtechs/antity


ES6 / TypeScript

import { Entity } from "@dwtechs/antity";
import { normalizeName, normalizeNickname } from "@dwtechs/checkard";

const entity = new Entity("consumers", [
    key: "id",
    type: "integer",
    min: 0,
    max: 120,
    typeCheck: true,
    operations: ["select", "update", "delete"],
    required: true,
    safe: true,
    sanitize: true,
    normalize: true,
    control: true,
    sanitizer: null,
    normalizer: null,
    controller: null,
    key: "firstName",
    type: "string",
    min: 0,
    max: 255,
    typeCheck: true,
    operations: ["select", "insert", "update", "delete"],
    required: true,
    safe: true,
    sanitize: true,
    normalize: true,
    control: true,
    sanitizer: null,
    normalizer: normalizeName,
    controller: null,
    key: "lastName",
    type: "string",
    min: 0,
    max: 255,
    typeCheck: true,
    operations: ["select", "insert", "update", "delete"],
    required: true,
    safe: true,
    sanitize: true,
    normalize: true,
    control: true,
    sanitizer: null,
    normalizer: normalizeName,
    controller: null,
    key: "nickname",
    type: "string",
    min: 0,
    max: 255,
    typeCheck: true,
    operations: ["select", "insert", "update", "delete"],
    required: true,
    safe: true,
    sanitize: true,
    normalize: true,
    control: true,
    sanitizer: null,
    normalizer: normalizeNickname,
    controller: null,

req.body = entity.normalize(req.body); // will also sanitize if true
const check = entity.validate(req.body, "select");
const unsafeProps = entity.getUnsafeProps();

API Reference

type Type = "boolean" | 
            "string" | 
            "number" | 
            "integer" | 
            "float" |
            "even" |
            "odd" |
            "positve" |
            "negative" |
            "powerOfTwo" |
            "ascii" |
            "array" | 
            "jwt" |
            "symbol" | 
            "email" |
            "regex" |
            "json" |
            "ipAddress" |
            "slug" |
            "hexadecimal" |
            "date" |
            "timestamp" |
            "function" |
            "htmlElement" |
            "htmlEventAttribute" |
            "node" |
type Operation = "select" | "insert" | "update" | "merge" | "delete";
type Method = "GET" | "PATCH" | "PUT" | "POST" | "DELETE";

class Property {
  key: string;
  type: Type;
  min: number | Date;
  max: number | Date;
  required: boolean;
  safe: boolean;
  typeCheck: boolean;
  operations: Operation[];
  sanitize: boolean;
  normalize: boolean;
  control: boolean;
  sanitizer: Function | null;
  normalizer: Function | null;
  controller: Function | null;

class Entity {
  table: string;
  cols: Record<Operation, string[]>;
  properties: Property[];
  normalize(rows: Record<string, any>[]): Record<string, any>[]; // will also sanitize if true
  validate(rows: Record<string, any>[], operation: Operation | Method): string | null;
  getTable(): string;
  // if pagination is true for a select operation, it will return cols + a total column 
  getCols(operation: Operation, stringify?: boolean, pagination?: boolean): string[] | string;
  getUnsafeProps(): string[];

REST Methods mapping

When validating request inputs, you can use REST methods or SQL operations as second parameter

REST method SQL operation
GET select
PATCH update
PUT update
POST insert
DELETE delete

examples :

entity.validate(req.body, "GET"); // will validate "select" properties
entity.validate(req.body, "PUT"); // will validate "update" properties
entity.validate(req.body, "DELETE"); // will validate "delete" properties

Available options for a property

Any of these can be passed into the options object for each function.

Name Type Description Default value
key string Name of the property
type Type Type of the property
min number | Date Minimum value 0 | 1900-01-01
max number | Date Maximum value 999999999 | 2200-12-31
required boolean Is this property required on insert false
safe boolean Is this property safe to send to the client true
typeCheck boolean Type is checked if true false
operations Operation[] SQL DML operations concerned by the property [ "select", "insert", "update", "merge", "delete" ]
sanitize boolean Sanitize the property if true true
normalize boolean Normalize the property if true false
control boolean Control the property if true true
sanitizer ((v:any) => any) | null Sanitizer function if sanitize is true null
normalizer ((v:any) => any) | null Normalizer function if normalize is true null
controller ((v:any, min:number, max:number, typeCheck:boolean) => any) | null Controller function if control is true null
  • Min and max parameters are not used for boolean type
  • TypeCheck Parameter is not used for boolean, string and array types


Antity.js is still in development and we would be glad to get all the help you can provide. To contribute please read for detailed installation guide.


Purpose Choice Motivation
repository Github hosting for software development version control using Git
package manager npm default node.js package manager
language TypeScript static type checking along with the latest ECMAScript features
module bundler Rollup advanced module bundler for ES6 modules
unit testing Jest delightful testing with a focus on simplicity