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React Native Human API

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This is a React Native native module inspired by wayneholis/react-native-humanapi library.

The Human API SDK has been updated to the latest build. We will be constantly updating this package for our own project.


Getting started

$ npm install react-native-human-api --save

Mostly automatic installation

$ react-native link react-native-human-api


Even with the automatic installation there are remaining steps to finishing the Android import

  1. Add the following lines to android/settings.gradle :
  	include ':humanapi-sdk'  
  	project(':humanapi-sdk').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-human-api/android/humanapi-sdk')

Manual installation


  1. In XCode, in the project navigator, right click LibrariesAdd Files to [your project's name]
  2. Go to node_modulesreact-native-react-native-human-api and add RNReactNativeHumanApi.xcodeproj
  3. In XCode, in the project navigator, select your project. Add libRNReactNativeHumanApi.a to your project's Build PhasesLink Binary With Libraries
  4. Run your project (Cmd+R)<


  1. Open up android/app/src/main/java/[...]/
  • Add import io.citizenhealth.humanapi.RNReactNativeHumanApiPackage; to the imports at the top of the file
  • Add new RNReactNativeHumanApiPackage() to the list returned by the getPackages() method
  1. Append the following lines to android/settings.gradle:
    include ':react-native-human-api'
    project(':react-native-human-api').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, 	'../node_modules/react-native-human-api/android')
    include ':humanapi-sdk'  
    project(':humanapi-sdk').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-human-api/android/humanapi-sdk')
  2. Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in android/app/build.gradle:
      compile project(':react-native-human-api')


1. Create a Human API account

Go to and register for an account.

2. React Native

First import the component and render a button to open it.

import RNHumanAPI from 'react-native-human-api';

// Call the API with a connect function
render() {
<TouchableOpacity  style={styles.button}  onPress={this.connectHumanAPI}>
	<Text  style={styles.instructions}>
		Connect HumanAPI

Add your client id, secret and app key. You can get those from under the settings tab in your Human API account. Also add the Human API redirect URLs.

const  baseURL = '';
const  clientID = 'xxxx'; //Add your clientId here
const  clientSecret = 'xxx'; //Add your client secret here
const  appKey = 'xxx'; // Add your App Key here
const  finishURL = '';
const  closeURL = '';
const authURL = 'https://xxx' // Add your backend auth endpoint

Then implement the call. Here, you need to store and retrieve the user public token to either create a user account or if the token exists, just login to the user Human API data. I am assuming in the example below that the public_token and the client_user_id are a component property. This should be part of your user account saved data. public_token = null if the user has not connected for the first time yet.

connectHumanAPI  = () => {
	const {
	}  = this.props.user;

	const  humanAPI  =  new  RNHumanAPI()
	const  options  = (public_token) ? {
		client_id:  clientID,
		client_user_id:  client_user_id,
		public_token:  public_token,
		auth: (data) =>  this.sendAuth(data),
		auth_url:  authURL,
		success: (data) => {
			console.log(`Human API Callback: ${data}`);
			// save publicToken in your user account
		}, // callback when success with auth_url
		cancel: () =>  
			console.log('cancel') // callback when 	cancel
		} : {
		client_id:  clientID,
		client_user_id:  client_user_id,
		auth: (data) =>  this.sendAuth(data),
		auth_url:  authURL,
		success: (data) => {
			// save publicToken
		}, // callback when success with auth_url
		cancel: () =>  
			console.log('cancel') // callback when cancel

Backend server

A backend endpoint is required to handle the auth redirect and handshake with the Human API server.

Here is a Google Firebase example of a simple Node.js microservice to deploy for this purpose:

// Human API auth handler service on Google Firebase

const request = require('request');
exports.humanAPIHandshake = function(req, res, database, callback) {
	var sessionTokenObject = req.body;
	sessionTokenObject.clientSecret = 'xxx'; // Your Human API account client secret

		method: 'POST',
		uri: '',
		json: sessionTokenObject
	}, (err, resp, body) => {
		if(err) {
			console.log(`error = ${err}`);

		// This is the response from the Human API server after authentication
		console.log("clientId ="+ body.clientId);
		console.log("humanId = " + body.humanId);
		console.log("accessToken = "+ body.accessToken);
		console.log("publicToken = "+ body.publicToken);

		//Send back publicToken to app
		var responseJSON = {
			humanId: body.humanId,
			accessToken: body.accessToken,
			publicToken: body.publicToken

		callback(true, responseJSON);


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