You will be familiar of basic operations with Kubernetes including deploying applications, scaling them, upgrading, etc.
We will use a common guestbook application. The architecture in the end will look like the following:
This is an ideal application as it contains various components including:
- a single node deployment
- a multi-node deployment
- a replication controller to ensure some components continue to run
- a web front-end and backend DB
- test
This lab will flow as follows:
- redis-master deployment
- Create redis-master service and pods
- Deploy redis-slave deployment, service, and pods
- Ceate frontend deployment
- Expose frontend using kubectl command
- Configure nginx load balancer to finally expose service
First we want to make sure everything is healthy so lets check the status of the cluster. Use kubectl to check the status of your cluster.
user04@lab01:~$ kubectl get componentstatuses
scheduler Healthy ok
controller-manager Healthy ok
etcd-0 Healthy {"health": "true"}
etcd-1 Healthy {"health": "true"}
etcd-2 Healthy {"health": "true"}
user04@lab01:~$ kubectl get nodes
cc-kube-worker01 Ready 1d
cc-kube-worker02 Ready 1d
cc-kube-worker03 Ready 1d
user04@lab01:~$ kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes master is running at
KubeDNS is running at
kubernetes-dashboard is running at
As mentioned previously, there are a number of ways to interact with Kubernetes.
Here are just some ways to interact with Kubernetes:
- Directly with APIs
- Via dashboard
- Using kubectl to run specific commands (install app, scale, etc) (should we do quick example)?
- Using kubectl to push? files into kubernetes
For this lab, we will be using the Guestbook example which is modeled after this
A preferred way involves maintaining yaml/json files in a repository and then easily pushing those files to Kubernetes. This avoids typos and allows for great detail tracking versions of files which can be useful to rollback or debug an application.
As such there are a few different ways we could deploy the guestbook application. For example, we could deploy the entire guestbook application including frontend servers, redis master and slaves by deploying a single YAML file! We don't want to let you off that easy though. For this reason, we will deploy each component and walk through it separately.
This guestbook is nice as it has many components. Review the diagram at the beginning of this lab
- frontend: a multi-pod deployment with a service in front. This is a nginx web server to access the guestbook.
- redis-master: a single-pod deployment with a service in front. This is used for persistant storage.
- redis-slave: a multi-pod deployment with a service in front. Data from the redis-master is replicated on the slaves
The frontend will be accessible by anyone on the Internet. The frontend then interacts with the redis-master via javascript redis API calls.
The frontend will be communicating with the redis-master to store and retrieve data.
The redis-master deployment file can be found in the 04-Running/guestbook/ folder.
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: redis-master
# these labels can be applied automatically
# from the labels in the pod template if not set
# labels:
# app: redis
# role: master
# tier: backend
# exercise: lab3
# this replicas value is default
# modify it according to your case
replicas: 1
# selector can be applied automatically
# from the labels in the pod template if not set
# selector:
# matchLabels:
# app: guestbook
# role: master
# tier: backend
app: redis
role: master
tier: backend
exercise: lab3
- name: master
image: # or just image: redis
cpu: 100m
memory: 100Mi
- containerPort: 6379
Examining this deployment file we notice a few things:
- The kind is set to deployment
- replicas is set to 1. This means that if the pod dies, an another will automatically be spun up by Kubernetes.
- There are various labels set.
- In the container section, it lists the source for the redis image as well as some requests for resources
Now run the following:
cd ~/k8sclass/04-Running/guestbook
Now deploy the redis master deployment
kubectl create -f redis-master-deployment.yaml
This deployment will create the redis-master pod that will be used by the guestbook app. We can confirm the redis-master was deployed successfully by running some additional commands:
kubectl get deployments
The output will look similar to the below
redis-master 1 1 1 1 1m
You can also see the replica sets
kubectl get replicasets
The output will look similar to the below
redis-master-2696761081 1 1 1 1m
The individual pods of the deployment are viewable as well:
kubectl get pods
The output will look similar to the below
redis-master-2696761081-luk0y 1/1 Running 0 1m
Notice the naming of the deployment, replicaset, and pod. The pod name is the most detailed. By adding this single YAML file we created a deployment which consisted of a replicatset with a single pod.
You can describe this pod to see additional details after it has been deployed.
kubectl describe pods redis-master-2696761081-luk0y
The output shows something similar to the following:
Name: redis-master-2696761081-luk0y
Namespace: default
Node: cc-kube-worker02/
Start Time: Sat, 19 Nov 2016 01:30:50 +0000
Labels: app=redis
Status: Running
Controllers: ReplicaSet/redis-master-2696761081
Container ID: docker://44266106b1f0202cb037a47a77d6bf6380da3b8ecf3b4f18e5062f56c3201204
Image ID: docker://sha256:e5e67996c442f903cda78dd983ea6e94bb4e542950fd2eba666b44cbd303df42
Port: 6379/TCP
cpu: 100m
memory: 100Mi
State: Running
Started: Sat, 19 Nov 2016 01:30:51 +0000
Ready: True
Restart Count: 0
Volume Mounts:
/var/run/secrets/ from default-token-iuhf7 (ro)
Environment Variables: <none>
Type Status
Initialized True
Ready True
PodScheduled True
Type: Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
SecretName: default-token-iuhf7
QoS Class: Burstable
Tolerations: <none>
FirstSeen LastSeen Count From SubobjectPath Type Reason Message
--------- -------- ----- ---- ------------- -------- ------ -------
3m 3m 1 {default-scheduler } Normal Scheduled Successfully assigned redis-master-2696761081-luk0y to cc-kube-worker02
3m 3m 1 {kubelet cc-kube-worker02} spec.containers{master} Normal Pulled Container image "" already present on machine
3m 3m 1 {kubelet cc-kube-worker02} spec.containers{master} Normal Created Created container with docker id 44266106b1f0; Security:[seccomp=unconfined]
3m 3m 1 {kubelet cc-kube-worker02} spec.containers{master} Normal Started Started container with docker id 44266106b1f0
If you would like to examine the logs for this container, you can do the following:
kubectl get pods
Make node of the pod name, then examine the logs:
kubectl logs redis-master-<some stuff uniq to your redis master>
As it stands, redis-master has been deployed to a single pod which contains an IP. If there is an issue with this pod, the replication controller will ensure that it spins up again. However, it could now spin up in a different pod or even on a different host. This will result in a new IP address. Because we will have other components talking to this, we can create a service so that other components can reach this service via its service name. This ensures that we always have a way to talk to it.
We already have a redis-master-service.yaml for you
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: redis-master
app: redis
role: master
tier: backend
exercise: lab3
# the port that this service should serve on
- port: 6379
targetPort: 6379
app: redis
role: master
tier: backend
Note this service file is pretty simple. Its kind is a service with a name of redis-master.
Create this service using the command below (similar to how we created the deployment)
kubectl create -f redis-master-service.yaml
Since we are building a cloudy guestbook, we want to do everything we can do to ensure that our application is resilient across various failures. For this reason, we will create a redis-slave deployment. The data in the redis-master will be synced to the data in the redis-slave deployment.
Similar to the redis-master deployment, we already have a deployment file for the redis-slave.
Examine redis-slave.yaml closely.
Hopefully you noticed a few things:
- There is a service defined at the top of the file called redis-slave
- There is also a deployment defined beneath this service
- Replicas is set to 2 for this. This will ensure that there are always 2 redis-slaves running.
- I need to find out why their isn't a replicaset defined here... is it implied?
You are almost a pro at this, go ahead and create the redis-slave service as shown below:
kubectl create -f redis-slave.yaml
Notice how both a service and deployment were both created for us!
Now lets see what pods are running.
kubectl get pods
You should see one master and two slaves running!
redis-master-2696761081-luk0y 1/1 Running 0 53m
redis-slave-798518109-0o6vc 1/1 Running 0 9m
redis-slave-798518109-q0gjd 1/1 Running 0 9m
You can also get services by the labels
kubectl get svc -l app=redis
For this guestbook example, we will use a simple PHP server that is configured to talk to redis-master or redis-slave depending if the action if a read or write. We will deploy 3 nginx web server pods in this environment using the provided frontend.yaml
Configure the frontend as shown below:
kubectl create -f frontend.yaml
Confirm that all componenta are up by listing the deployments and replicasets:
kubectl get deployment,rs
The output will look similar to something like the below:
deploy/frontend 3 3 3 3 51s
deploy/redis-master 1 1 1 1 2d
deploy/redis-slave 2 2 2 2 2d
rs/frontend-88237173 3 3 3 51s
rs/redis-master-2696761081 1 1 1 2d
rs/redis-slave-798518109 2 2 2 2d
If you have noticed, we have been labeling the various components. Examine the pods based on the tier label we have applied:
kubectl get pods -L tier
The output is shown below
frontend-88237173-e1e18 1/1 Running 0 1m frontend
frontend-88237173-hxphs 1/1 Running 0 1m frontend
frontend-88237173-odz12 1/1 Running 0 1m frontend
redis-master-2696761081-luk0y 1/1 Running 0 2d backend
redis-slave-798518109-0o6vc 1/1 Running 0 2d backend
redis-slave-798518109-q0gjd 1/1 Running 0 2d backend
These pods should reflect the diagram of the deployment at the begining of this lab.
You may have also noticed that there is no service for the frontend component. A service will be needed in order to access our guetbook.
You can expose the service via the command line by issuing the command
kubectl expose deployment frontend --port=80 --type=NodePort
Depending on the environment Kubernetes is running in, there are a number of ways to expose your applications. With some public cloud providers (e.g. Google), you can use a LoadBalancer instead of a NodePort. In this lab, we will expose the service via NodePort and then reconfigure our nginx web server to redirect traffic to this service.
You just exposed the frontend deployment as a service of type NodePort. To see what port Kubernetes assigned it you can run the command below or check the dashboard under services >> frontend.
kubectl describe service frontend
The output is similar to the below:
Name: frontend
Namespace: default
Labels: app=guestbook
Selector: app=guestbook,tier=frontend
Type: NodePort
Port: <unset> 80/TCP
NodePort: <unset> 31245/TCP
Session Affinity: None
In this example, the NodePort is 31245. This means if you access the workers on this port, you should be able to access this service. However, in this lab environment, the only node accessible from the Internet is the VM with the public IP assigned to it (the nginX load balanceR). Make note of the port in your reference printout.
Now we will edit the service.
kubectl edit svc frontend
Make it so the nodePort is 31433
around line 21. Example:
- nodePort: 31433
When you ran the kubectl expose
command it created a service based on the deployment. Running the kubectl edit
command like we did above makes it so you can change the dynamic node port that was assigned to the container to something we configured already in nginx. If you look at the template file that we deployed with Terraform, you'll see that we already accounted for port 31433 being the node port that nginx will map to.
Open a browser to access your guestbook at the URL: http://<LB_IP>:8888
Feel free to add some comments to your GuestBook. When ready you can move on to the next lab