A PHP reporting engine that works especially well with Laravel, built with love at CareSet Systems
Configure your database if you haven't already. In your project root, place your database parameters in .env or your app's config/database.php config. The database user will need CREATE TABLE permissions in order to create the _zermelo database (or if you are installing the example data.) The DB_DATABASE parameter is for the default database. If you are installing example data, and reports, you can put 'northwind_data' for the DB_DATABASE. If you have an existing database, put that in the DB_DATABASE field. You should replace the username and password below with sensible values. If this is foreign to you, you should read How to secure you MySQL installation
DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST= DB_PORT=3306 DB_DATABASE=northwind_data DB_USERNAME=your_chosen_username DB_PASSWORD=randomly_generate_a_password_and_put_it_here
From the command prompt at your laravel project's root install the following commands:
composer require careset/zermelo_installer php artisan zermelo:install
The installer pulls down the the zermelo package, which contains the API backend, and all avaialble view packages, such as zermelobladetabular and zermelobladecard. The installer will also move zermelo assets such as Javascript and CSS files to support the view packages into the public/vendor/CareSet directory.
After running these commands, you will have a new app/Reports directory in your laravel project where the Zermelo report classes will be placed.
The installer will also create a _zermelo_cache databse and a _zermelo_config database. The cache database retains a cached view of the query resulting from each report, and it's usage is configured in the report class. The config database holds data for report configuration, such as the socket/wrench varialbles that are injectable into report queries.
You should now see 'Zermelo' routes in your Laravel instance
List your routes:
$ php artisan route:list | grep Zermelo
| | GET|HEAD | Zermelo/{report_name}/{parameters?} | | Closure | |
| | GET|HEAD | api/Zermelo/{report_name}/{parameters?} | | Closure | |
| | GET|HEAD | api/ZermeloSummary/{report_name}/{parameters?} | | Closure | |
Please refer to the Troubleshooting guide.