What is the difference between a thread and a process?
How can threads communicate?
What is locking (in terms of parallel processing?)
How can processes communicate?
How can processes on difference machines communicate?
What is a server v. what is a client?
What is a socket?
What is a protocol?
What do most protocols have in common?
Which of these parts does HTML have?
What is the HTTP Protocol?
What is the difference between HTTP 1.0, 1.1, and newer versions of HTTP?
What is an HTTP Request Header and what is its format?
What is an HTTP Response Header and what is its format?
What are HTTP Response Headers?
What the general meanings of 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, and 5xx response headers?
When synchronizing, what is the difference between using deltas and the whole model?
When synchronizing, what is the difference between pushing and pulling?
What is the difference between pessimistic and optimistic updates?
What is the difference between a public API, a single key based API, and an OAUTH API?
What is the salt when storing passwords?
What is the hash when storing passwords?
What is the difference between a normal hash function and a cryptographic hash function?
What is the OAuth handshake?
What is a JSON Web Token?
How does JWT differ from server-side session maintenance, particularly when users logout?
What is a Caesar Cipher?
Is the Caesar Cipher part of any internet protocols?
What is a substitution cipher?
What is frequent analysis?
What kinds of ciphers are vulnerable to frequency analysis?
What kinds of ciphers are not vulnerable to frequency analysis?
What are the properties of a one-time pad?
What are the advantages of a one-time pad?
What is a symmetric key?
What are asymmetric keys?
Which key is used for signing?
Which key is used for encryption?
What does is mean to digitally sign a message?
Does a digital signature provide encryption?
What is a certificate authority?
What is TLS?
What is the difference between SSL and TLS?
What do browsers use--SSL or TLS?
What are the goals of the TLS handshake?
What is a microservice architecture?
What is a monolithic architecture?
How is cryptocurrency similar to credit card transactions?
Who is the trusted third party in credit card transactions?
How are cryptocurrency and credit card transactions different?
What is the trusted third party in crytocurrency transactions?
How is anonymity preserved in crytocurrency transactions?
What is the block chain in cryptocurrency?
How to block chain miners make money?
How is the expected mining time on the block chain maintained?
When can the block chain fork?
What happens after the block chain forks?
How is double spending prevented on the block chain?
How does the receiver of funds know that the spender has the funds available?
What is a port in process to process communication?
What is the largest port available?
What are reserved ports?
What is the purpose of ports 22, 80, and 443?
What are ports in higher ranges that you should not use?
Describe IPv4 addresses.
Ignoring reserved IPv4 addresses, how many IPv4 addresses are there?
What is
Why do most routers in homes use IPv4 addresses in the range 192.168.xx.xx?
What is DHCP?
What does the client receive in the DHCP exchange?
What is a default gateway?
What is NAT?
What in the advantage of using NAT?
What is a forward proxy?
What is DNS?
What are DNS A Records?
What are DNS AAA Records?
What are DNS C Records?
What are DNS MX Records?
What is a reverse proxy?
What properties does the UDP have?
What properties does the TCP have?
What are the header fields in a UDP packet?
Which header fields in a UDP are optional?
What is the role of the sequence number in a TCP packet?
Whta is the role of the acknowledgement number in a TCP packet?