CSCI 3550, Fall 2020
Due to this course going entirely online, the following are the remaining ways in which you will be graded.
- Quiz November 20
- Quiz December 4
- Quiz December 11
Do the student review. I will open a quiz with one question: Did you do the student review?
If you answer yes, you will get extra credit. If you do not answer or answer no, your grade will not be affected.
Copy the interview questions that are available on Canvas. Go through and type out your answers to each question. There are no restrictions to how you get the answers, with two caveats.
As in everything, do not plagiarize. If you have questions about this, feel free to ask me.
You will be graded partially on your self-assessment, not only your written answers. If you do this correctly, you will move what we learned in this class into your long-term memory by:
- Reading the questions
- Finding the answers (or exerting the mental effort to recall the answers)
- Writing down the answers
- Reviewing the questions and answers
I will assess your response to the interview questions using a quiz with two parts. The first part will be an upload question where you can upload your document with answers. The second part will be a few of self-assessment questions that will be similar to: Assess yourself on how comfortable you would be answering the interview questions about [topic] in person.
Where the topics will the high-level groups of the topics covered in the interview questions.
You will self-assess yourself in reaching the mandatory goal for this course.
Assess yourself on reaching the goal of the course of having a website reachable by a DNS name and secured by TLS.