Once you receive the OTP generated in Step 1, you can verify it using this API. The OTP will validate the Aadhaar number provided and return user information if successful.
(String, required) - The OTP sent to the Aadhaar-registered mobile number.
To verify the Aadhaar OTP for a specific transaction:
otp_value: '123456'
"txnId": "123456xx-74xx-43xx-91xx-123456exxxxx",
"mobileNumber": null,
"photo": "dummy_photo_data_here",
"gender": "M",
"name": "John Doe",
"email": null,
"pincode": "123456",
"birthdate": "01-01-1990",
"careOf": "Jane Doe",
"house": "1234 Example Street",
"street": null,
"landmark": "Near Park",
"locality": null,
"villageTownCity": "Sampletown",
"subDist": null,
"district": "Sample District",
"state": "Sample State",
"postOffice": "Sample Post Office",
"address": "C/O Jane Doe 1234 Example Street Near Park Sampletown"
Once the Aadhaar OTP is verified, proceed to the next step in the HPR registration process.