Web3 wss connections sometimes take longer to establish. The previous pattern was to use the isListening
to wait for web3 to become ready. However with many parallel processes also trying to connect it resulted in too many calls which was problematic in a rate-limited environment like infura.
The normal usage for the Web3 provider is to initiate the actual Web3 module and then pass it this library's WebThree provider (wrapper) like so:
const { WebThree } = require('../dist/index')
const Web3 = require('web3')
const web3 = new Web3('wss://mainnet.infura.io/ws/v3/your-precious-project-key')
const infura = new WebThree(web3)
Now, add an extra call afterwards:
+ const { utils } = require('../dist/index')
const infura = new WebThree(web3)
+ infura.attachConnectionErrorHandler(utils.makeConnectionHandler(3000, 3))
Where utils.makeConnectionHandler(milliseconds, retryLimit)
is a closure function which returns a retry function to attach.
Web3 provider class src/providers/Web3
still has the isWeb3Ready
call and the waitForWeb3Connection
methods if required.
Run test/web3_connection_error.js
Toggle the two infura.attachConnectionErrorHandler
lines to see the handler in action.