Commands are run with Ctrl-b :COMMAND
- List sessions
tmux ls
- select session
tmux attach-session -t «sessionNumber»
Ctrl-b d
- detach session/clientCtrl-b ?
- list key bindings
Ctrl-b c
- new windowCtrl-b «number»
- select window«number»
Ctrl-b ,
- rename windowCtrl-b .
- renumber windowCtrl-b Shit-Alt-x
- kill windowCtrl-b p
- select previous windowCtrl-b n
- select next windowCtrl-b w
- select window from listCtrl-b l
- select previous window
Ctrl-b %
- split horizontallyCtrl-b "
- split verticallyCtrl-b x
- kill paneCtrl-b Ctrl-Cursors
- resizeCtrl-b Cursors
- select directional paneCtrl-b z
- toggle fullscreenCtrl-b o
- swap panes
Ctrl-b [
- Enter copy-mode. Vim visual-mode keys apply, including block.Space
- Start selectionEsc
- Clear selectionEnter
- Copy selection and quitq
- Quit
Ctrl-b ]
- Paste
echo "content to copy" | xclip -selection clipboard
Ctrl-b [
- Enter copy-mode. Vim visual-mode keys apply, including block./
- search downwards?
- search upwards