diff --git a/client/my-sites/themes/test/thanks-modal.jsx b/client/my-sites/themes/test/thanks-modal.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 8332e066e0e7d1..00000000000000
--- a/client/my-sites/themes/test/thanks-modal.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
- * @jest-environment jsdom
- */
-import { render, screen, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react';
-import ReactModal from 'react-modal';
-import { Provider as ReduxProvider } from 'react-redux';
-import { createReduxStore } from 'calypso/state';
-import { setCurrentUser } from 'calypso/state/current-user/actions';
-import { setStore } from 'calypso/state/redux-store';
-import { receiveSite } from 'calypso/state/sites/actions';
-import { THEME_ACTIVATE } from 'calypso/state/themes/action-types';
-import { receiveTheme, themeActivated } from 'calypso/state/themes/actions';
-import { setSelectedSiteId } from 'calypso/state/ui/actions';
-import ThanksModal from '../thanks-modal';
-ReactModal.setAppElement( '*' ); // suppresses modal-related test warnings.
-const TestComponent = ( { store } ) => {
- return (
- );
-const themeId = 'twentysixteen';
-const themeStyleSheet = `pub/${ themeId }`;
-const siteId = 123;
-const userId = 456;
-const source = 'unknown';
-const purchased = false;
-const fseThemeFeature = {
- slug: 'full-site-editing',
-const defaultSite = { ID: siteId, name: 'Example site', URL: 'https://example.com' };
-const defaultTheme = {
- id: themeId,
- name: 'Twenty Sixteen',
- author: 'the WordPress team',
- screenshot:
- 'https://i0.wp.com/theme.wordpress.com/wp-content/themes/pub/twentysixteen/screenshot.png',
- description: 'Twenty Sixteen is a modernized take on an ever-popular WordPress layout — ...',
- descriptionLong: '
Mumble Mumble
- download: 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/themes/download/twentysixteen.zip',
- taxonomies: {},
- stylesheet: themeStyleSheet,
- demo_uri: 'https://twentysixteendemo.wordpress.com/',
-const setupStore = ( { site = defaultSite, theme = defaultTheme, asWpComTheme = false } = {} ) => {
- const store = createReduxStore();
- setStore( store );
- store.dispatch( receiveSite( site ) );
- if ( asWpComTheme ) {
- store.dispatch( receiveTheme( theme, 'wpcom' ) );
- }
- store.dispatch( receiveTheme( theme, siteId ) );
- store.dispatch( setSelectedSiteId( siteId ) );
- store.dispatch( setCurrentUser( { ID: userId } ) );
- store.dispatch( {
- themeId,
- siteId,
- } );
- store.dispatch( themeActivated( theme.stylesheet, siteId, source, purchased ) );
- return store;
-describe( 'thanks-modal', () => {
- describe( 'when activating an FSE theme', () => {
- test( 'displays the "Customize site" call to action and links it to the site editor', async () => {
- const adminURL = 'https://example.wordpress.com/';
- const store = setupStore( {
- site: {
- ...defaultSite,
- options: { admin_url: adminURL },
- },
- theme: {
- ...defaultTheme,
- taxonomies: {
- theme_feature: [ fseThemeFeature ],
- },
- },
- } );
- const encodedURL = `${ adminURL }site-editor.php?calypso_origin=${ encodeURIComponent(
- defaultSite?.URL
- ) }`;
- render( );
- await waitFor( () => {
- const editSiteCallToAction = screen.getByText( 'Customize site' );
- expect( editSiteCallToAction ).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect( editSiteCallToAction.closest( 'a' ) ).toHaveAttribute( 'href', encodedURL );
- } );
- } );
- } );
- describe( 'when activating an FSE AND Dotcom theme', () => {
- test( 'does not display the modal since it will redirect to `/marketplace/thank-you`', async () => {
- const store = setupStore( {
- theme: {
- ...defaultTheme,
- taxonomies: {
- theme_feature: [ fseThemeFeature ],
- },
- },
- asWpComTheme: true,
- } );
- render( );
- await waitFor( () => {
- const editSiteCallToAction = screen.queryByText( 'Customize site' );
- expect( editSiteCallToAction ).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- } );
- } );
- } );
- describe( 'when activating a non-FSE theme that has a front page', () => {
- test( 'does not display the modal since it will redirect to `/marketplace/thank-you`', async () => {
- const store = setupStore( {
- site: {
- ...defaultSite,
- options: { show_on_front: 'page' },
- },
- theme: {
- ...defaultTheme,
- taxonomies: {
- theme_feature: [
- {
- slug: 'auto-loading-homepage',
- },
- {
- slug: 'global-styles',
- },
- ],
- },
- },
- asWpComTheme: true,
- } );
- render( );
- await waitFor( () => {
- const editSiteCallToAction = screen.queryByText( 'Customize site' );
- expect( editSiteCallToAction ).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- } );
- } );
- } );
- describe( 'when activating a non-FSE theme that does not have a front page', () => {
- test( 'displays the "Customize site" call to action and links it to the customizer', async () => {
- const store = setupStore();
- render( );
- await waitFor( () => {
- const customizeSiteCallToAction = screen.getByText( 'Customize site' );
- expect( customizeSiteCallToAction ).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect( customizeSiteCallToAction.closest( 'a' ) ).toHaveAttribute(
- 'href',
- '/customize/example.com'
- );
- } );
- } );
- } );
-} );
diff --git a/client/state/themes/test/actions.js b/client/state/themes/test/actions.js
index 17e82ce2e4f39d..8b37e86fbeb1e7 100644
--- a/client/state/themes/test/actions.js
+++ b/client/state/themes/test/actions.js
@@ -1167,7 +1167,7 @@ describe( 'actions', () => {
test( 'should dispatch success', () => {
return initiateThemeTransfer( siteId )( spy ).then( () => {
- expect( spy ).toHaveBeenCalledTimes( 3 );
+ expect( spy ).toHaveBeenCalledTimes( 4 );
expect( spy ).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
expect.objectContaining( {