Harmony is a social networking app for musicians, bands and others within the musical sphere. Designed to connect musicians and bands together to find their next match:
- MongoDB / Mongoose
- GraphQL / Apollo
- Express.js
- Node.js
- React.js
- Stripe
- Bcrypt
- Cloudinary
- React.js Forms
- JWT Tokens
- Keen Slider
- Axios
You can visit the deployed application here - https://music-harmony.herokuapp.com/
For developers, you can install this project following the below steps:
Firstly, start off by cloning the repo locally.
Next, run the below command to install all dependencies.
npm i
- Next, run the below command to seed the database
npm run seed
- Finally, to run the app locally, run the below command
npm run develop
https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT This project is under the license of MIT
- Jordi Lanau - https://github.com/aidkool
- Matthew Williams - https://github.com/mattglwilliams
- Alistair Houghton - https://github.com/Alistairhoughton
- Eoin Harkin - https://github.com/HarkyDev
If you have any questions about this project, you can contact any of us via github.