This is a personal portfolio project built using Next.js with a focus on learning React/Tanstack Query. The portfolio showcases my work, skills, and allows users to contact me through a form.
Interactive UI: The UI is animated and built using Acertinity UI components, heavily customized for better user experience.
- Home: A simple introduction with animations.
- Projects: A showcase of my projects with hover effects.
- About: A brief section about me.
- Contact: A form allowing users to send me a message, powered by React Query and React Hook Form.
Contact Form:
- Users can submit their name, email, and message.
- Email validation is implemented using React Hook Form and React Query.
- The form checks if the email is already taken and prevents the same email from being used again.
- Next JS
- React/Tanstack Query
- React Hook Form
- Tailwind CSS
- Acertinity UI
✨ You can see my work as a Frontend Developer, including my projects, skills, and achievements. Take a look and let me know what you think!
Thanks for visiting my portfolio! 😊