This module displays and quantifies cross-sections along a curve (VMTK centerline model, VMTK centerline markups curve, or an arbitrary markups curve).
Main features:
- centre on the centerline point in slice view during browsing
- orthogonal slice view reformat
- spin the slice view by an arbitrary amount
- define an arbitrary centerline point as origin
- go to defined origin
- go to minimum and maximum MIS diameter
- go to minimum and maximum cross-section area
- show the maximum inscribed sphere
- show the cross-section
Computed metrics:
- distance of points from an arbitrarily defined origin
- RAS or LPS coordinates of the points
- maximum inscribed sphere (MIS) diameter, as computed by 'Extract centerline'
- cross-section area of a surface
- circular equivalent (CE) diameter, derived from the cross-section area
- orientation of a slice view
VMTK centerline model and VMTK centerline markups curve have MIS radius scalars attached. Helper functions relative to the maximum inscribed sphere will the be operational.
This input may also be an arbitrary markups curve however. MIS scalars will not be available here.
A model or a segment may be an optional input. Cross-section area and its derived circular equivalent diameter will then be available at each point.
An output table providing distance of points from relative centerline origin, MIS diameter, CE diameter and cross-section area at each point. Point coordinates are also recorded. The table's visibility can be easily toggled.
A graphical plot of MIS diameter, CE diameter or cross-section area against distance from relative origin can also be shown the same way.
- Point coordinates can be displayed as an array in a single column, or split in three distinct columns. One can choose between RAS or LPS coordinates.
- A markups curve may also lie outside a surface.
- Providing a surface (segmentation or model) is optional. For example, a markups curve may be drawn on a vascular structure's boundary in slice views, to see the corresponding cross-sections only.
- The meaning of a surface area is subject to its requirement. For tubular surfaces for instance, orthogonal section is a requirement.
- Reslicing can be performed along anatomic axes or the centerline curve's axes (adjusted with the 'Spin' slider).
- Left and right sides may be inverted in a slice view with orthogonal reslicing. Use another slice view in such cases.
This module has been developed by SET (Surgeon, Hobbyist developer), matured with expert coaching by Slicer core developer Andras Lasso, co-author.