Please follow the rules for this CTF!
Check out the source code and the flag is in comment line
Do you double-knot your shoelaces? You gotta keep'em tied!
Download shoelaces.jpg
I used CyberChef to analyze the file
Was it a car or a cat I saw?
Download esab64 file.
I changed the file extension as txt and in the file mxWYntnZiVjMxEjY0kDOhZWZ4cjYxIGZwQmY2ATMxEzNlFjNl13X
There is a clue in the question Base64 but when I decoded it ....ÙÙ.XÌÄHØÒ@Î...áÈØÄ..Á .Ø.ÌÄLÍ.XÍ.]× has no meaning but the question is spelling in half backward.
So that I changed it from mxWYntnZiVjMxEjY0kDOhZWZ4cjYxIGZwQmY2ATMxEzNlFjNl13X to X31lNjFlNzExMTA2YmQwZGIxYjc4ZWZhODk0YjExMjViZntnYWxm and then I try to decode as Base64.
The answer looked like _}e61e711106bd0db1b78efa894b1125bf{galf then reverse it again
I ordered chicken wings at the local restaurant, but uh... this really isn't what I was expecting...
Download chicken_wings file.
I changed the file extension as txt and in the file ♐●♋♑❀♏📁🖮🖲📂♍♏⌛🖰♐🖮📂🖰📂🖰🖰♍📁🗏🖮🖰♌📂♍📁♋🗏♌♎♍🖲♏❝
I researched every single charachter to understand the typing and I found these are Wingdings
The I used this dcode website to solve it.
Download the file below.
Download pollex.jpg
When I downloaded and opened it I saw a there is a thumb picture
I used CyberChef to analyze the file
There are four different file and I focused the jpg extensions.
- extracted_at_0x0.jpg has the same file size so that it is the original file.
- I download both extracted_at_0x14e.jpg and extracted_at_0x350.jpg file.
- There is the answer